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Apple A Healthy Food

  🍎  Apple the  "Miracle Of God"🍏

Introduction :-   Apple is a "miracle of a god". we know that line  'Eat Apple In a day, keep Disease Away from Health.'apple is rich in Vit C & Fiber.

           it is also low in calories & little amount of sodium & no fat contain is present.Apple is rich in polyphenols which function as Antioxidant , this poly phenol is found in skin of apple.

History of Apples:-
-Apples are consumed from 6500 B.C.
-Apples are originated from Kazakhstan.

 Health benefits :-
Samyak Gengaje 

* Apple is very good "Antioxidant".
*Apple contain soluble fiber such as pectin,         which helps to prevent cholesterol building up     in the living of blood vessels.
*Apple is very good natural medicine for     Heart Disease.

Did You Know

Fact's of Apples :- 

1.Nearly 7,500 varieties of apples.
2.The worlds top producing countries are India,China,Japan,Turkey,Poland and Pakistan.
3.The Science of Apple is called "Pomology".
4.Apple take 4 to 5 years to produce their 1st unit of apple.
5.The worlds largest Apple is of 2 Kg.
6.Europeans eat about 46 pounds of apples annually.
7.Apple take energy of 50 leaves to make 1 apple.

conclusion:- Eat apple a day , it will gives power .

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